
Terminations registered in the Company are mostly related to the adhesion to the Permanent Program of Voluntary Termination (PPDV). The Program serves employees over 50 years of age and in a position to retire through the private pension of Itaipu, FIBRA. The average time of career in Itaipu of the terminated employees was 23 years.

Average time during which the terminated employees were employed by Itaipu, by age group and gender reference base 12/31/2017

[404-2] Reflection Program for Retirement (PRA)

Itaipu Binational annually offers the Retirement Reform Program (PRA), which holds lectures for three days to deal with bureaucratic issues of termination and on financial aspects, health, sexuality, life project, organization of time and quality of life in the retirement. Participation is spontaneous and counts with great support. There have been 474 registered entries since 2009. In 2017, 49 professionals took part in the Program.

[EU15] Percentage of Employees entitled to retirement within the next 5 and 10 years, per Functional Category and Region

Itaipu does not have control of the official retirement dates. The following statistic is based on the company's limit stay date, which includes the date on which the professional fills 100% of the deficiencies for complementary retirement at Fibra (which considers age, time of contribution to the INSS, time of filiation with Fibra and time as an employee of the binational) and also the date of exit chosen by the Permanent Program of Voluntary Termination (PPDV).