[103-2; 103-3]
Occupational Health and Safety

Itaipu's Occupational Health and Safety management is performed by the Division of Occupational Safety Engineering and the Occupational Health Division, both of which are subordinate to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health.

Seeking to achieve the best practices in health and safety in the performance of its activities, together with legal compliance, Itaipu, through its Corporate Education program, empowers its employees in topics required by the Regulatory Standards of the Ministry of Labor, such as work on height (NR 35), confined space (NR 33), aerial platform operation (NR 11) and services in electrical installations (NR 10). Altogether, in 2017, 676 employees were trained in their respective NR.

The Auditory Conservation Program (PCA), which includes a series of preventive actions and noise monitoring, through lectures and training on hearing conservation and guidance on the correct use of equipment, reached approximately 500 employees.

[EU18] In order to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety Guidelines for Contracted Companies, the Labor Safety Engineering Division held 92 Integration Lectures in which approximately 500 employees participated.


Rate of injuries, illnesses, days lost, absences, and work-related deaths

Among the actions carried out by the areas responsible for Occupational Health and Safety, the following stand out:

  • The Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO), which included new biological markers for monitoring workers exposed to chemical risks and consolidated the body analysis through a bioimpedanciometry examination.
  • 4 professional rehabilitations in 2017, giving these professionals the reintegration to work.
  • The Annual Influenza Vaccination Campaign, which vaccinated 1,669 workers, among employees, interns, third parties and youths of the Initiation and Work Incentive Program - PIIT, with a vaccination index of Itaipu employees, it being 72%.
  • The Project for the Safe Work Management System (SGTS), in 2017, trained 339 employees, totaling 6,052 hours of training, on the topics of Risk Management Principles, Safe Work Observations, Safe Work Planning and Occupational Safety Leadership, the latter aimed at managers and leaders.
  • PPRA - Itaipu Environmental Risk Prevention Program, in which 46% of the groups of workers were re-evaluated, considering the risks and nomenclatures used by eSocial.
  • CIPA / SIPAT - implementation of the Internal Week of Accident Prevention - SIPAT, whose theme was: "Planning, safety pillar", was organized by the Internal Committee for Accident Prevention - CIPA in August and counted on the massive participation of workers, having reached the mark of 3,8 thousand participants in the three days of the event, number four times greater than the edition of 2016.
  • The Reviver [Revive] Program for Valuing Health and Quality of Life carried out actions focused on behavior change education, encouraging health promotion, prevention and recovery of health. About 68% of the employees were assisted with multidisciplinary actions of the medical, nursing, physical education and nutritionist teams.
  • The Well-Being Week offered activities aimed at relaxation, well-being, health education, interaction with participants, individual care and blood donation campaign. In total, 768 appointments were made in Curitiba and Foz do Iguaçu.