Subtitle Governance Council Projects and Committees
Participation in National and International Associations and Organizations

Lixo e Cidadania Institute [Trash and Citizenship]
Thematic Chamber on Sustainable Agriculture and Irrigation (CTASI)
State Council for Rural Development and Family Agriculture (CEDRAF)
Municipal Council for Rural Development (CMDR FOZ)
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
United - National Union of Self-Governing Institutions in Health
Inter-Institutional Commission for Environmental Education (CIEA)
Committee on Studies on Gender Violence of OAB[Brazilian Bar Association]/PR
Permanent Committee on Gender Issues of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and Related Companies
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Advisory Board of the United Nations Global Pact and UN Women
Women's Rights Council of Foz do Iguaçu
Executive Women's Space (MEX)
Brazilian Leader Women Sustainability Network
Secretariat of Public Policies for Women of the Presidency of the Republic
Brazilian Association of Water Resources (ABRH)
Revision Committee of the Municipal Plan of Basic Sanitation of Foz do Iguaçu
Committee of the Hydrographic Basin of Paraná 3
Municipal Coordination Committee for the Review of the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan - Santa Helena
Municipal Coordination Committee for the Review of the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan - São Pedro do Iguaçu
World Water Council
Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Transmission Companies (Abrate)
Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Generating Companies (Abrage)
Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Companies (ABCE)
Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Independent Producers
Electricity Memory Center in Brazil
Electric Energy Research Center (Cepel)
International Center for Renewable Energies (CIBiogas)
Brazilian Committee of the Commission for Regional Energy Integration
Brazilian Dams Committee (CBDB)
Brazilian Committee of the World Energy Council
Eletrobras System Energy Efficiency Integrated Committee (Cieese)
Brazilian National Committee for the Production and Transmission of Electric Energy (Cigré-BR)
World Energy Council (CBCME)
Acende Brasil Institute [Lighten Up Brazil Institute]
International Energy Agency (IEA)
International Hydropower Association (IHA)
Network of Laboratories of the Electricity Sector (Relase)
Tourism Development Agency of the Iguaçu Falls Region and Itaipu Lake Road
Brazilian Association of Production Engineering
Brazilian Association of Risks Management
Brazilian Association of Knowledge Management
Brazilian Association of Human Resources - Paraná
Association of SAP Users of Brazil
Association of Telecommunication Computer Users
American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil (Amcham)
Comissão Paranaense de Análise de Empreendimentos da Economia Solidária (CADSOL)
Municipal Tourism Council (COMTUR)
Tourism Council of Paraná (CEPATUR)
Business Management Committee Foundation
National Quality Foundation (FNQ)
Iguaçu Development and Tourism Promotion Fund (Iguaçu Fund)
Iguassu Convention & Visitors Bureau (ICBV)
Brazilian Corporate Governance Institute
Iguaçu Tourism Promotion Institute
Iguassu International Cluster Institute
Competitive Brazil Movement (MBC)
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Participation in National and International Associations and Organizations
Brazilian Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection (Abendi)
Brazilian Association of Assets Maintenance and Management (Abraman)
Brazilian Association of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ABMS)
Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy (CREA)
Brazilian Concrete Institute (Ibracon)
Utilities Telecom Council / UTC Latin America
Joint Action Plan Committee between Brazil and the United States for the Elimination of Ethnic-Racial and Gender Discrimination in the Promotion of Equality
WCF Institute - Brazil
Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT)
Municipal Coordination Committee of the Municipal Plan for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste - Santa Terezinha de Itaipu
Business Movement for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (MEB)
R20 - Waste Management Committee of Paraná
Advisory Board of the Ilha Grande National Park
Advisory Board of the Iguaçu National Park (CONPARNI)
Municipal Council of the Environment of Santa Helena (CMMA)
Life Institute (Lasting Initiative For Earth)
Paraná River Biodiversity Corridor Network
State Agroecology Research Network (REPAGRO)
Border Committee between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina to Confront Violence and Trafficking of Women
Brazilian Council of Business Volunteers (CBVE)
International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE)
Brazilian Committee of the United Nations Global Pact (CBPG)
Development Council of Neighboring Municipalities of Lake Itaipu
Intermunicipal Consortium for the Economic, Social, Educational and Sustainable Development of the Western Region of the State of Paraná (CIDERSOP)
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Pro-Paraná Movement - Institution of Integration and Institutional Relations of Paraná