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Diversity and Equality of Opportunities

Itaipu Binational realizes its commitments to diversity through actions and projects that make its employees and external public aware of the importance of respect for human rights and inclusion. A good example is the Company's contracting, carried out by an external selection process, which universalizes access and reserves vacancies for candidates with disabilities (PcD) and for black people, without restricting the admission of women to any position. The Gender Equity and Disability Committees rely on the participation of employees of the Entity and propose actions, policies and guidelines, focusing on human rights, complying with relevant aspects for their respective publics. The Gender Committee, for example, seeks to understand the reality of women in their plurality and encourages a more equal participation of women and men in the management of the Company.

2017 was marked by the Company's participation in the event Women's Empowerment Principles Forum Measuring Success, Making It Count: Business Investing in Women and Girlscom, promoted by the UN in New York. Itaipu participated in the What Gets Measured Gets Done - Partnerships for Progress panel.

Working Group on Human Rights and Labor in the Global Pact Brazil - since 2011, Itaipu is responsible for coordinating this work group. With the active participation of Itaipu, GT developed the Empowering Refugees Project, having served 80 refugee women, contributed to 21 direct contracting by partners, 40 individual counseling, 350 people impacted by project events. In 2017, the Mini-documentary Fresh Starts was produced: about refuge, women and work.

There were also 3 editions of the course "Due Diligence in Human Rights", with the participation of companies and organizations from all over the country.

Survey on the Gender Equity Program - 669 female and male employees answered to the binational research conducted by the Gender Equity Committee. The results of the evaluation will be used to reformulate the company's action plan on the subject and improve the performance of the Program.