[102-9; 102-42;103-2; 103-3;204-1; 205-2; 414-1]
Chain of Suppliers Profile

USD 32.4 million were realized by the program Sustainable Purchases

The number of Itaipu suppliers in 2017 was 3,771. The total amount spent on acquisitions was USD 162 million, of which USD 131 million in contracts with the 823 local suppliers contracted in the period.

The amount spent on local suppliers was 4% lower than in 2016, due to the lower execution of expenses in Paraguay and USD 32.4 million in the Sustainable Purchases program.

The mapping of suppliers that offer social and environmental risks identified 434 companies as critical, being 199 micro and small companies. Itaipu also assessed the risks to the sustainability of 100 groups, of which 50 were to supply goods and the other 50 were to provide services.

Of the 4,171 purchase contracts issued in 2017, 426 had sustainability clauses.

Until November, an online platform was maintained for suppliers to participate in training on topics related to sustainable purchases and Itaipu's procurement processes.

One important action was the completion of the review of the supplier evaluation system, which generates data for the supplier performance program.

  • In 2017, 177 were MPEs, representing 21.85% of the companies contracted in Brazil.
  • In 2018, the program will have new information, including a greater role of sustainability criteria being considered in the evaluations.
  • Also for 2018 is the adoption of binational criteria for contracting micro and small companies (SMEs).

Sustainable purchases data in 2017


Suppliers of the Program


Purchased Items


Expenses with Suppliers1


Brazil Value


Paraguay Values


Total Value USD


Brazil Local Suppliers


Contracts with Sustainable Clauses


Companies with Socio-Environmental Risks