[103-2; 103-3; 102-37]
Staff Profile

Itaipu Binational contracts through an external selection process, a measure that, although not provided for in its Treaty, was established to guarantee the universality and equality of access of persons in its staff. This method of selection makes no distinction of gender or ethnicity, and respects the principle of inclusion by offering specific vacancies for people with disabilities and for black people.

The Company considers people management as an essential practice to achieve excellence in energy production and in administrative and support processes. Thus, it periodically participates in salary surveys to guarantee remuneration and benefits consistent with those practiced in the Brazilian electricity market and sector. Negotiations for the definition of salary readjustments, career plans and profit sharing are carried out with the unions. Although it has not been done in recent years, there is a commitment to conduct organizational climate research in 2018.

During 2017, the Brazilian General Director deployed Chat with Vianna, promoting meetings with employees from different areas of the Company for a direct conversation and without filters. Each edition eight employees have the opportunity to present their ideas and suggestions and to hear from the General Director his views on the present and future of the Company. The participants are selected by draw among the professionals who have registered.

The year was also marked by the beginning of the work of cultural change and alignment that is being done by a specialized consulting company of international renown. Two initial meetings were held, the first with the Company’s directors, superintendents and assistants, and the second with the department and division managers. This action aims to broaden everyone's understanding of the purpose of the Entity and the importance of interpersonal relationships in pursuit of strategic objectives.

[102-7; 102-8]Staff Profile

Amount of workers, own staff and others reference base 12/31/2017