[103-2; 103-3;205-1; 205-3]
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

By adhering to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) rules, the Company has been improving the management of risks and the environment of internal controls that attest to the authenticity, completeness and transparency of the information in its financial statements.

“23 mapped material processes, which cover 100% of operations”

Since 2008, a management group has coordinated the work of adapting the business processes to the precepts of SOX Law. Internal and external audits are responsible for verifying compliance with the rules, assessing the performance of various internal controls and any deviations from functions that may occur due to situations of error, fraud or corruption. There are 23 mapped material processes, which cover 100% of operations and that have risk events analyzed.

The Entity's internal control mechanisms have helped to ensure compliance with standards and respect for governance (integrity) and good conduct, especially with the performance of bodies such as the Ombudsman's Office, the Internal Audit and the Ethics Committee, among others.

Environmental risks management and internal controls