Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS)

Itaipu Binational is in line with the main international guidelines, protocols and platforms for sustainability, among them the ODS, defined by the United Nations (UN). Its social and environmental actions, oriented especially in the protection of water, raw material for the generation of energy, and in improving the quality of life of the population of its area of influence in Brazil and Paraguay, reinforce the business commitment with Agenda 2030.

By virtue of its leadership and experience in the energy sector and the broad sustainability agenda, Itaipu, together with the UN, supports the implementation of joint activities and contributes to capacity building, dialogues and cooperation at all levels, promoting the management of knowledge and the exchange of experiences in the theme of water and energy.

The main objectives of this partnership are to generate awareness and awareness raising and to improve the capacity of stakeholders to plan, design and supervise more effective policies and regulations, business models and investment tools, considering aspects such as energy matrix, water safety, environmental impacts and climate change. In order to align Itaipu's actions with the ODS objectives, a preliminary study was carried out with each of the 17 Objectives.