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Biodiversity Conservation

The company supports the objectives set out in the Biodiversity Convention (CBD) and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and develops environmental programs and actions in its area of influence, creating wildlife refuges, support and service structures for the recovery of regional fauna, biodiversity corridor and various environmental projects.

There are no Itaipu works or procedures that generate new impacts since 2007, when the last generation unit was set up. However, the Company maintains the Our Patrimony Biodiversity Program for the protection and conservation of regional biodiversity.

The program is organized into three macro- actions: conservation and management of terrestrial biodiversity, monitoring of fish fauna and conservation and recovery of protected areas in the Brazilian territory of the company. In 2017, the amount invested was USD 1,625,578.27.

Ex situ conservation initiatives have resulted in great success in the field of methodology for captive breeding of emblematic species of the Brazilian fauna of the Mata Atlântica forest biome, such as Harpia or Gavião Real, with more than 25 first and second generation descendants, the Brazilian Tapir, the Spotted Jaguar, among other species.

Itaipu was awarded the LIFE (Lasting Initiative For Earth) certification in 2015, a methodology that evaluates the efficiency of the company's environmental management system and actions to conserve biodiversity.

The first supervisory audit to maintain certification was held in 2016 by the Paraná Institute of Technology - Tecpar.

The highlight in 2017 was the achievement of the conservation goal of 34,000 hectares of protected areas. The work was carried out through two activities:

  1. in the Protection Range

    88,70 hectares

    of forest maintenance

    8,32 hectares

    of plantation

  2. in the Binational Biological Refuge of Maracaju:

    460,52 hectares

    of forest maintenance

    14,10 hectares

    of plantation

In the Piracema channel, it was possible to maintain the constant flow mainly due to the water availability during the period, the high rainfall and the maintenance of the reservoir level. In addition to contributing to the migratory flow of fish, this fact contributed to the maintenance of the canoeing study schedule.

Another initiative related to the ichthyofauna was the support of the Itaipu team to the technicians of the environment area of the Yacyretá Hydroelectric Plant, which contributed to the marking of 673 migratory fish with electronic transponders, which were released in the reservoir of that plant, about 250 km downstream from Itaipu.