[103-2; 102-16]
Sustainability Binational Policy
Dimension Principles


  • Rational, balanced and efficient management of people, resources and business processes
  • Ethical, transparent and fair relations, respecting the differences
  • Comprehensive, integrated and collaborative vision and management of actions
  • Commitment to continuous improvement and innovation
  • Integrated corporate risk management
  • Sustainable procurement and local supplier development


  • Generation, incentive and use of energy from clean and renewable sources
  • Acting in partnership with social actors for sustainability
  • Conservation and preservation of the environment and respect for biodiversity

Economic Development

  • Be an active agent in sustainable human development
  • Promote the sustainable development of the territory


  • Effective use of the skills and experience present in the structure of Itaipu Binational and its foundations
  • Promote and consolidate a culture of sustainability as an example to the world
  • Appreciation of sustainable attitudes

Improvements,incentives and partnerships

Value Chain
  • Finalistic Macro-processes
  • Management Macro-processes
  • Support Macro-processes

Ultimate Macro-processes