[103-2; 103-3; 413-1]
Environmental Performance

The commitment to the socioeconomic development of the region is present in several official acts that originated and governed the Itaipu Binational, for example, nd the Iguaçu Minutes of June 22 , 1966, even before the plant was created in 1974.

The Strategic Plan defines objectives related to specific environmental issues, one of the four dimensions of Sustainability Policy alongside corporate, socioeconomic and cultural development. In addition, the Company acts in accordance with the national and international protocols and commitments that it subscribes to, or in which Brazil is a signatory (see Corporate Governance). The Environmental Management Master Plan is another important management tool for the theme.

Biodiversity conservation is a relevant component of Itaipu's sustainability strategy, recognizing the value of biodiversity for society and for the economy, and the urgent need for efforts to protect and preserve the diversity of life in all its forms, including its preserving the genetic heritage for future generations.

The Watershed Management program, also known as "Cultivating Good Water", contributes to increase the multiple uses of water and decrease the amount of sediment deposited in the Itaipu reservoir, extending its useful life. The effectiveness of conservation practices, rural sanitation and the promotion of no-tillage systems is perceived in the monitoring of the water quality of the reservoir and its waters, which, according to data measured throughout the year, were classified as of good quality or at levels acceptable for multiple uses.

In three station (input from the reservoir, the arms of the Ocoí and São Francisco Verdadeiro Rivers), and in three records in the year, there were polluted water classifications, which will lead to reinforcement in conservation and sanitation actions to reduce contamination to control the population of fluctuating aquatic plants in these localities. The monitoring of micro pollutants in 21 points of the Paraná Basin 3, only one station (the flow of the Azul river in Ouro Verde) registered levels above the maximum limit allowed by the current resolution (357/05 of CONAMA), demonstrating the still intensive use of pesticides in this basin.

There was a decrease in the sediments that would be loaded to the streams and tributaries to the Itaipu reservoir and a global decrease in pesticides. This result demonstrates the effectiveness of educational activities and structural interventions, such as the implantation of 18 community suppliers and 14 organic waste distributors in rural areas.

[413-1] Watershed Management – “Cultivating Good Water””
Objective To promote the management and sustainable conservation of water and soil in the Paraná River Basin 3 (BP3), consolidating watershed management.
Investment 2017: US$ 1.794.747,69 2016: US$ 1.926.187,07 2015: US$ 848.377,02
Beneficiated Public Residents of the microbasins of the Hydrographic Basin of Paraná 3 (BP3).
Partners Environmental organizations, researchers, universities, associations, cooperatives and NGOs.
Main resultsin 2017 Adequacy of 47 kilometers of rural roads, graveling of 128 kilometers of rural roads, implantation of 21.5 kilometers of polyhedral paving and 29.38 kilometers of fence, carried out the conservation of 2,447 hectares of land and recovery of 10 springs. The total of basins worked, from 2003 to 2017, was 23.35% of the total area of activity of Itaipu.

[413-1] Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation
Objective To conduct environmental assessments and evaluations so that the waters remain in good condition for the multiple uses of the reservoir: power generation, public supply, industrial, agricultural and aquatic life preservation.
Investment 2017: US$ 361.628,44 2016: US$ 277.189,26 2015: US$ 148.362,61
Beneficiated Public Residents of BP3, users of water resources and management bodies.
Partners Institutions of education, research, laboratories of analysis and environmental organizations.

Promote the management and sustainable conservation of water and soil