[103-2; 103-3;102-33; 102-34;102-16; 102-17]
Complaint Channels

The Ombudsman’s Office is the institutional channel responsible for receiving communications from the external or internal public about any procedures or actions deemed inappropriate. It is their responsibility to record the complaints and to screen them, classifying them as an ethical misconduct (which is referred to the Ethics Committee), disciplinary misconduct (referred to the related management area) or lack of compliance.

In the latter case, as the compliance program is being structured, the claims are usually sent to the Internal Audit, which performs an analysis to identify whether there are enough elements to accept the complaint. The next step is to go through an analysis of the legal area, and then the Ombudsman presents the information raised for deliberation by the Brazilian General Director.

As there is no formal reporting process to the Board of Directors regarding situations of unethical behavior and related to corporate integrity, it is the responsibility of the Brazilian General Director. Since 2009, when the Ombudsman's Office was created, there was no need to report to the top management any such cases. All reports received, whether or not they are accepted, are reported monthly to Eletrobras Ombudsman's Office.

The Ombudsman's Office also receives matters presented from other institutions, such as Eletrobras, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Federal Comptroller’s Office (CGU), the Presidency of the Republic, and others. There are also cases of critical concerns, complaints, denunciations or any other type of questioning, which may bring some risk to the company’s image, which are received via Itaipu's Contact Us and that are sent to the Ombudsman's Office.

Eight recommendations with critical concerns were issued in 2017: one for the Administrative Director; two for the Benefits Administration area; two for the Superintendence of General Services; one for the Advisory Office of the General Board; one for Business Planning Area; and one for the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation - FPTI.

In 2017, 18 qualified complaints were registered, of which 02 were related to labor practices, 05 with potential impact on society and the others related to other issues. Of these, only 01, of improper use of fleet vehicle, was accepted, with application of disciplinary sanction. Of the reported cases, 17 were completed and 1 was under analysis at the end of 2017.