Occupational Health and Safety [103-2, 103-3]

The prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses are strictly monitored by the relevant areas at Itaipu. In 2018, the new Health and Safety Policy was applied to the technical maintenance professionals, due to the risks of exposure in the work environment. The goal is to reduce in an even more significant way accidents and incidents, as well as to offer improvement in working conditions.

The company is also developing in a binational way the project of the Safe Work Management System (SGTS), with support of external consultancy, structured in five pillars, deployed in 20 elements, with the structure of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), management tool for continuous process improvement.

Between programs and procedures of the SGTS, two primary objectives: to reduce the unsafe conditions of the workplace and to awaken the safety look of the employee, so that the risks are identified before an occurrence.

The first results of the FGTS were: contribution to reduce the number of work accidents that, in 2018, was 27% lower than the average recorded in the previous two years; proposed new occupational health and safety regulations for the execution of activities.

In order to meet the norms, Itaipu acquired equipment that guarantees better working conditions in confined spaces, through prior and continuous monitoring of gases within these environments, such as industrial ventilators and gas detectors.

Occupational Health and Safety Indexes


* The data could not be reported by region. The data presented do not include service providers of outsourced companies, because Itaipu has limited control in terms of gender, absences and accidents involving these workers.
The information provided is in accordance with the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 14280.

¹calculation based on the number of injuries with removal from typical accidents * 106/hours-man worked.

²calculation based on the number of days lost due to typical accidents * 106/hours-man worked.

³days away from work due to personal injury, excepted the day of the accident and the day of return to work.

4 calculation based on the total hours-man worked (programmed) and considers standard of 167 hours in the month, holidays, absences, licenses and overtime, but does not include maternity/paternity leave and electoral compensation.

5 refers to the number of typical accidents with removal.

6 calculation based on the number of typical accidents with clearance * 106/hours-man worked.

7 calculation based on the number of days lost plus the days debited from typical accidents * 106/hours-man worked.

Hearing Conservation Program

It gathers a series of preventive actions and monitoring of the exposure to noise and hearing health of employees. In 2018, the speech therapy team conducted 1,008 visits to 946 employees, in which no new case of occupational hearing loss was identified. Noise surveys were carried out through 159 dosimetries in several areas of the company and distributed more than 5,000 hearing protectors.

Employee Restriction Review Committee

Since 2009, is responsible for accompanying employees with labor restrictions. In 2018, it followed 29 employees, two of whom completed the rehabilitation by the INSS and returned to work, being one internally re-adapted and two retirees for invalidity.

Quality of Life at Work

The Reviver Program for the valorization of health and quality of life has been operating for 24 years with the objective of encouraging awareness about quality and healthy lifestyle. Develops actions of: prevention and treatment of chemical dependence; work gymnastics, gyms and walking in the power plant after hours; healthy walking and running; and blood donation campaigns.

The Pink October event held 169 visits to workers, in itinerant stations in the company, with lectures on preventive actions in health for an audience of 120 people. The Blue November held 204 visits in the itinerant stations, and the lecture “Let’s talk about health?” 90 people.

197 employees were assisted in the Healthy Weight Support program with multidisciplinary actions focused on adopting healthier habits and reducing behavioral risk factors.

These practices contributed to positioning Itaipu among the 20 best Brazilian companies in the dimension Health, Safety and Quality of Life at Work Management of the Quality Index and People Management of the Best Place to Work 2018 research.