
To generate quality electrical energy via socially and environmentally responsible practices, fostering sustainable economic, tourist and technological development in Brazil and Paraguay.


By 2020, Itaipu Binacional will establish itself as a generator of clean, renewable energy with the best operational performance and sustainability practices in the world, fostering both sustainable development and regional integration.

Policies and Fundamental Guidelines
  • Respect with the Human Being
  • Binational Integration
  • Proactivity and Innovation
  • Recognition of People’s Work
  • Corporate Sustainability
  • Regional Sustainable Development
  • Accountability and Rendering Accounts
  • Ethics Values
Our Strategies

According with the Treaty of Itaipu, its administration is shared by the Brazilian and Paraguayan governments, who have the same rights to acquire the energy produced for their own consumption. The two national governments commissioned the Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras (Eletrobras), a Brazilian mixedeconomy company linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and the Administración Nacional de Electricidad (Ande), an autarchy of Paraguay, practical arrangements for the establishment of Itaipu, each of which has 50% of the capital. [102-5, 102-6]

Still according to the Treaty, it is permissible for a country to acquire the energy not consumed internally in order to meet its demands.