Our External Relations
[102-9, 102-42, 103-2, 103-3, 201-1, 203-1, 203-2, 204-1, 205-2, 413-1, 414-1]

The relationship with the target audiences is considered a factor of high relevance for achieving business objectives and goals, which are aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Itaipu’s socio-environmental programs benefited 55 municipalities, most of them in the Paraná 3 watershed, in the west of the state of Paraná. The investments made comply with the guidelines of the sustainability policy, which are aligned with public policies and aim to improve the living conditions of about 1.3 million inhabitants of the region, promoting economic growth, generation of Income, infrastructure projects and expanding access to citizenship, education and health.

At the end of 2018, Itaipu was authorized by the Brazilian and Paraguayan governments to finance the construction of two new bridges to increase commercial activities in the Trinational Region and improve the security conditions at the border. The initiative is in line with the constitutive acts of the company, which admit not only projects directly related to the organization’s facilities, but also to the welfare of the local community and regional development, foreseen in its objectives and strategic guidelines. [203-1]

The total investment is estimated at about US $270 million and the works must be completed within three years. One of the bridges will connect the municipalities of Foz do Iguaçu, in Brazil, and Presidente Franco, in Paraguay, decreasing the flow of vehicles in the Friendship Bridge and contributing to the fight against the entry of drugs, weapons and ammunition. The second bridge will pass over the Paraguay River, linking the municipalities of Porto Murtinho, in Mato Grosso do Sul, and Carmelo Peralta, in Paraguay.

In addition to the realization of these actions, the company also passes royalties to the governments of Brazil and Paraguay – and each country has its own legislation that regulates the distribution and internal use of the resource. [203-1, 203-2]

In 2018, the law dealing with the distribution of royalties from Itaipu, in Brazil, was altered, raising the transfers to the municipalities from 45% to 65%, and reducing the value to be received by the States from 45% to 25%.

The new legislation maintained the 10% of the total royalties value for the Union.