Socio-Environmental Performance
[103-2, 103-3, 203-1, 203-2, 302-1, 304-2, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-5, 306-1, 413-1]

IItaipu adopts an environmental management model that is premised on the water-energyterritory connection, contributing tothe promotion of participatory plans and actions for integrated management of basins from conservation and sustainable useof natural resources there present, aligned with the objectives of the Biodiversity Convention (CBD), the Aichi Goalsfor Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The link between the company and the municipalities occurs via municipal management committees, created by law, with paper defined in Planning and coordinating the socio-environmental programs of Itaipu, operationalized through specific agreements.

The actions are developed in the reservoir contribution basins, formed by 421 microbasins and composed of 54 municipalities in Paraná and one in Mato Grosso do Sul, whose rivers are connected to the Itaipu reservoir.

Among them: maintenance of extensive green areas around the reservoir; correction of environmental liabilities of unsustainable farming practices; incentive and technical support for no-tillage; terracing readjustment of rural roads; water reuse; installation of Community Supply Units for the decontamination of machinery; and power generation from biomass.

The protected areas, formed by native and secondary forests, and stretches of reforestation, add up to more than 100,000 hectares

Reforestation of nearly 22000 hectares of protected areas through planting of more than 26 million seedlings in Brazil and Paraguay

In the last 30 years, Itaipu has contributed to 28% of the total restoration of the Atlantic Forest of the state of Paraná

Increased reservoir lifespan, which became more than 180 years

The Water Quality Index (IQA) of the reservoir and its main tributaries (trophic state) was 40, within the limit established in the tactical guidelines 2018-2022 (according to the Business Goals table), which classifies the reservoir waters as Oligotrophic, i.e., not polluted.

The four planned water quality monitoring campaigns were carried out. They indicate that the areas of the Paraná Watershed 3 (BP3) have presented results that classify the waters as unpolluted, except for the Ocoí River and the São Vicente River, which in November were considered polluted.

This scenario guides the intensification of conservationist practices in these locations. As the Ocoí River is a direct tributary to the reservoir, it was decided to install two water quality monitoring systems in real time.

The attention with the regional biodiversity began since the installation of the plant. Itaipu maintains, in addition to the protection range surrounding the reservoir, eight biological refuges and two biological reserves located in Brazil and Paraguay. [304-2].

In all, the protected areas, formed by native and secondary forests, and stretches of reforestation, add up to 100,000 hectares. In these areas, Itaipu conducts scientific research, monitoring and environmental supervision, aiming the preservation of animal species and regional flora.

Socio-environmental actions go beyond mitigation and compensation efforts traditionally applied to hydroelectric plants by legal recommendation. Some examples are: the establishment of refuges and biological reserves; captive breeding of endangered species of native animals; forest restoration of the protection range and the Santa Maria biodiversity corridor; and maintenance of ecosystem services essential to society and water safety.

All this work is recognized by the Lasting Initiative For Earth (LIFE) certification since 2015, rendering Itaipu a benchmark for national and international scientific communities, recognizing the efficiency of the company’s environmental management and its actions to Biodiversity conservation.