Diversity and Equality [103-2, 103-3, 401-3, 405-1, 413-1]

Itaipu, in its commitment to the topic, relies on the gender equity program, focusing on promoting gender equality in the corporate environment.

The actions developed are discussed within the Gender Equity Committee, which has representatives from all directorships. The debates contributed to the beginning of the restructuring of the Gender Equity Policy Action Plan, supported by UN Women, based on an internal survey conducted in 2017.

In order to clarify the topic, a workshop was held “What gender equity has to do with the life and career of men”, for a group of 30 men nominated by the members of the Committee, conducted by the team of PdH Insights, from the creators of the portal Papo de Homem. A second activity was undertaken by UN Women and brought global concepts for discussion.

It also opened a dialogue with the adolescent public of socio-environmental programs of the company. Workshops were held by the authors of the book “Extraordinary: Women who revolutionized Brazil “, with the participation of 405 young people.

During the campaign of the 16 days of activism for the end of violence against women, a lecture on domestic violence, the laws of Feminicide and Maria da Penha was promoted to 70 public security agents.

There was also the participation of the company at the 62 session of the UN Commission on the situation of women in New York, in which the present countries undertook to act to eliminate violence, discrimination, sexual harassment, cyberbullying and other Human rights violations.