Participation in National and International Associations and Organizations [102-13]

Label Governance Council Projects and commissions
Trash and Citizenship Forum
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
National Union of Health Self-management institutions (UNIDAS)
Permanent Committee on Gender Issues of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and linked companies
Consecutive Council of Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs)-United Nations Global Compact and UN women
Municipal Council of Women's Law of Foz do Iguaçu
Brazilian Water Resources Association (ABRH)
World Water Council (Word Water Council-WWC)-Section Brazil Brazilian
Association of Electric Power Transmission companies (Abrate)
Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Generating Companies (Abrage)
Brazilian Association of Companies of Electric Power (ABCE)
Brazilian Association of Independent Electric Energy Producers (Apine)
Memory Center of Electricity in Brazil
Electric Energy Research Center (CEPEL)
International Renewable Energy Centre (CIBiogas)
Brazilian Committee of the Committee on Regional
Energy Integration Brazilian Committee of Dams (CBDB)
Integrated Energy Efficiency Committee of the Eletrobras System (Cieese)
Brazilian National Committee for the production and transmission of electric energy (Cigré-BR)
World Energy Council (CBCME)
Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
International Energy Agency (IEA)-Bioenergy Task 37
International Hydropower Association (IHA)
Lights Brazil Institute
Tourism development Agency of the Iguazu Falls region and Itaipu Lake Pathway – ADETUR
SAP Users Association of Brazil
Association of users of Informatics and Telecommunications
Institute of Tourism Promotion of Iguaçu
Association of Sales and Marketing officers of Brazil (ADVB)
Brazilian Association of Risk Management
American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil (Amcham)
Financier of studies and projects (FINEP)
Foundation Business Management Committee (FUNCOGE)
Polo Internacional Iguassu Institute
Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance
United Nations Development Program-UNDP
Safe work program of the Superior Labor Court
Brazilian Association of Maintenance and Asset Management (Abraman)
Brazilian Association of Soil Mechanics and geotechnical engineering-ABMS
Brazilian Concrete Institute (IBRACON)
Telecom Council Utilities | UTC Latin America
Institute WCF – Brazil
Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT)
Business Movement for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity (MEB)
Life Institute (Lasting Initiative for Earth)
Biodiversity Corridor network of the Paraná River
Subcommittee of the Environment of Eletrobras (SCMA)
Integrated Center for studies and Programs of sustainable development (CIEDS)
ABRINQ Foundation for the Rights of the Child
Border committee between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina to confront violence and trafficking in women
Brazilian Council for Corporate Volunteering (CBVE)
Council of Paraná of Corporate Citizenship (CPCE)
Permanent Forum of Agenda 21 Paraná
Ethos Institute of Business and Social responsibility
International Association for Volunteer Effort – IAVE
Permanent Committee on Gender Issues of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and linked companies
Advisory Council on the principles of Women's Empowerment (WEPs)-United Nations Global Compact and UN women
Municipal Council of Women's Law of Foz do Iguaçu