Professional Development
[103-2, 103-3, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, 410-1, 412-2]

Itaipu has already conducted six annual cycles of the Competency Performance Management System (SGD), integrated into the corporate culture and established as a formal communication channel between employees and managers. This model allows both parties to identify the strengths of the professionals and their career development opportunities.

The cases of unrealized assessments are mainly from employees removed or refer to the first assessments of employees in probative period, whose results still do not influence the vertical career progression. Council and Board members are not assessed. [404-3]

Since 2014, the company has been conducting the Corporate Education project, defined based on strategic maps, the model of competency management and the value chain. In 2018, the drawings of the business management trails were concluded – in which a sustainability module and 2030 Agenda – and corporate governance were inserted. Also started the tracks of relationship management with stakeholders and environmental management. The trails of business development, information technology management and people management were revised.

Also noteworthy is the optimization of the Virtual Environment of Corporate Education, by offering educational actions in the format of distance learning. One example was the management mentoring course, developed by Harvard Business School, which was attended by 162 participants. [404-2]

Regarding human rights trainings, seven employees participated in the UN Global Compact’s “Due Diligence on Human Rights” course, with support from Itaipu. With a workload of 8 hours, the program encourages companies to identify, prevent, monitor, act and communicate the real and potential impacts of their human rights activities. [412-2]

One of the prerequisites for a security agent of the own staff and of the outsourced staff can work in the role is to always be with your vigilant refresher course on day. Among the topics that are attended by recycling schools are 2 hours on human rights. In the year, 100% of the security agents of the own staff and 65% of the thirdparty surveillance agents carried out the aforementioned recycling course. [410-1, 412-2]

Other Highlights

[EU14, EU18]

Regulatory Standards (NRs): 688 employees in training required by the NRs of the Ministry of Labor while in 2017 were 676. Among the courses, work in height (NR 35), aerial platform operation (NR 11) and services in electrical installations (NR 10) [EU18]

Valuation of internal knowledge: more than 200 trainings taught by employees for professionals in the technical area

Post-Graduation: continuity of the Maintenance Management course, in partnership with the Federal Technological University of Paraná, for 36 employees of the Superintendence of maintenance, being 19 Brazilians.

Methodology of safe Work management system: 80 employees of the maintenance Superintendence trained