Social Programs and Projects
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The responsibility of a company with its surroundings goes beyond the needs inherent in its business. Corporate sustainability combines not only the economic balance of the institution, but also its role in social and environmental issues where it operates. The company that invests in the generation of value of natural capital, especially that of which it is directly dependent, thus guarantees the continuity of its production processes.

Social responsibility is also present in the company’s mission, which seeks to create value for the stakeholders and well-being for the communities with which it interacts.

In order to meet the demands and realities of the various partners, to guide the corporate management strategy and to monitor the execution of contractual instruments, the participation of stakeholders in Brazil and Paraguay is promoted. There is no specific policy of community engagement, but the company prioritizes work in partnerships and adopts practices according to objectives and audiences related to each action.

Listed below are some of our social programs aimed at protecting children and adolescents, education and regional economic development.

Itaiguapy Health Foundation-Hospital Ministro Costa Cavalcanti (HMCC)

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Itaipu Health Working Group

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It has a binational management and its mission is to collaborate to strengthen public health policies in the triple border – Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina – aligned with the company’s institutional policy. Strategically, the focus of the actions of the Itaipu health GT was divided into themes:

  • The integrated surveillance method focuses on the prevention and control of transmission of diseases caused by dengue viruses, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever. It has 3,476 mosquito traps distributed in Foz do Iguaçu, where the pilot project is. The professionals involved have the authorization of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture to transition biological material through the triple frontier;
  • Mental health training of 141 family health physicians, from Paraguay, to help, diagnose and monitor people with mental disorders;
  • Training of 1,352 professionals to improve management (registration, coding and analysis) of the health information system of Paraguay;
  • Construction of an approach strategy for mental health in indigenous communities according to the common guidelines of the three countries;
  • Course for 40 home caregivers of elderly people from Puerto Iguazu, Argentina;
  • International seminar on Life Promotion and suicide prevention, with 350 health, education and social assistance professionals from Foz do Iguaçu and Cascavel;
  • It graduated 1,502 health professionals from Paraguay in sexual and reproductive health, through the safe maternity and Neonatal health project;
  • Training in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leprosy for 140 health professionals in Paraguay;
  • III International Seminar on human health Sexual and reproductive health, for 95 health professionals from Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina;
  • Day of the noise of sexually transmitted infections campaign, aimed at reducing maternal and child transmission rates of HIV and congenital syphilis;
  • Agreement of technical cooperation between Itaipu Binacional and the Ministry of Health of the province of Misiones, Argentina, aiming to create the GT Yacyretá Salud, in the form of GT Itaipu Health;
  • Project “Prevention of unintentional pregnancy in adolescence”, partnership with the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) to promote public policies aimed at adolescents and young people, especially in the prevention of unintentional pregnancy.

Itaipu Technological Park Foundation (FPTI) [ [203-2, 413-1]

Other Highlights:
  • Cooperation agreement signed with the Ministry of Science, Technology, innovations and Communications for the distribution of software developed at FPTI to improve the management of public accounts;
  • Implementation of the live laboratory of smart cities using solutions such as sustainable urban mobility, drone monitoring and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts;
  • Launch of the Continuing Education Program – Municipal Governance Project, to empower 345 professionals on management of public administration, leadership and management of people, with inperson and distance modules.

Incentive to Tourism [413-1]

Itaipu has in its organizational structure the tourism advisory and, together with the PTI Foundation, since 2007, operates the Itaipu tourist complex. More than 22 million tourists have passed the Brazilian and Paraguayan banks since April 1976.

The program potentialize the regional tourism development promotes the routes of cyclotourism. The Beira Park route will take 220 kilometers and connect Foz do Iguaçu to Cascavel, bordering the Iguaçu National Park. 80 kilometers were inaugurated and the completion will be until June 2019.

We overcome our business goal and record reaching more than 1 million visitors to the plant, on both banks, consolidating Itaipu as the second largest tourist attraction in the region.

Itaipu was elected by travelers from the TripAdvisor website the 3rd reference point of Brazil and the 6th monument in South America, in the Travelers’ Choice award. The model of visitation at Itaipu is recognized by the World Tourism Organization.

New tours within the plant:

  • Exclusive for children from 5 to 13 years, Itaipu Kids will include activities in Ecovila (minicity), science station and astronomical Polo;
  • To meet the technical and scientific community, Itaipu technology in dams and Itaipu technology in biogas;
  • The Itaipu VIP, which will run the plant in a vehicle 100% electric;
  • Special lighting of the dam, with musical performances, pyrotechnic shows, and dinner in the Barrageiros restaurant.

Child and Adolescent Protection Program [413-1]

The program aims to articulate and implement public policies to protect, promote and defend the rights of children and adolescents, especially by strengthening the fight against child labor, sexual exploitation and other forms of violence.

Their initiatives aim to keep children and teenagers out of the risk of approaching illicit acts, reduce school dropout and improve school performance. To do this, it has partnerships with local institutions, to: promote the practice of various sports and cultural modalities, the insertion in the labor market, and the fight against the use of narcotic drugs. Held the first meeting of the PPCA, with the theme “Sport” for 600 participants of the sports projects.

The works are developed with the protect network, consisting of approximately 40 institutions that jointly develop actions and restructure of care plans to attend to the public of interest. In 2018 he joined the program to combat school dropout in Foz do Iguaçu.

The program manages the shared management of the projects:

  • Youth Trail - training and implementation in the labor market of 120 young people in situations of risk and social and economic vulnerability, between 16 and 24 years of the tourism sector;
  • Rescue - assistance to up to 30 inmates in a situation of dependence on psychoactive substance, older than 18 years, male, referred from the socio-care network of the city, or on his own initiative;
  • Young athletes - attends 90 sportsmen, including parathletes, who practice 27 athletics modalities, such as running, throwing and jumping. Athletes participate in important competitions in Brazilian athletics;
  • Boys of the lake - provides access to learning canoeing. The activities take place at Itaipu’s Piracema Channel. In 2019, there will be 600 participants and inclusion of the modality of Paracanoe. The other modalities are the Slalon and the kayak Polo;
  • Sailing is needed - ofereceprovides training to 120 students from public schools in the region, with the aim of encouraging the practice of sailing, with safety, respect to local biodiversity and multiple use of Itaipu reservoir;
  • Basketball Without Borders - in partnership with the Basketball Association of Foz do Iguaçu, can benefit up to 200 athletes;
  • Kimono Amigo - developed by the Judofoz Sports Association offers free judo lessons to the community, for children from three years of age. Initially there are 203 subscribers, expected to meet 500 athletes up to 2020.

Business Volunteer Program – Voluntary Force [203-2, 413-1]

Solidarity Energy

[203-2, 413-1]

Financial Education-The Value of Tomorrow

[203-2, 413-1]