Organizational Climate Survey

The company participated for the first time in the research “the 150 Best Companies to Work” (MEPT), organized more than 20 years ago by magazine Você S/A and the Institute of Administration Foundation of the University of São Paulo (FIA-USP), which allows comparation of market indicators and provides a diagnosis of people management practices.

The ranking is established by the Index of Happiness at Work (IFT) of the companies, consisting of the Quality index of the Work Environment (IQAT) and the Quality Index of People Management (IQGP). In this first experience, Itaipu did not qualify among the best 150, but began to have references to achieve this goal.

The results of the research are being used by the Organizational Climate Committee, which created a working group to evaluate possible causes and solutions for the treatment of the five questions with lower scores in the evaluation. The beginning of the study will consider the topics related to promotion and career; organization of processes; work procedures and routines; communication to employees about the company’s information and objectives; and cases of perceived injustices at work.