Our Performance in R&D+I
[103-2, 103-3, EU8]

The company’s commitment to research, development and innovation (R&D + I) is foreseen in the business plan, policies and fundamental guidelines, sustainability policy and sector policy of renewable energies, being articulated and implemented by the consultants of sustainable electric mobility and renewable energies, together with the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation (FPTI) and with the Itaipu Corporate University (UCI).

With the aim of fostering an organizational culture based on innovation, corporate entrepreneurship and sustainability, the company periodically carries out the Eureka Prize! of Innovation Incentive. In 2018, it was consolidated as a corporate channel for Brazilian and Paraguayan employees to present proposals for unique and shared solutions for process or sub-process improvements.

Investments in R&D + I are directed towards projects that present potential for energy and technological development and can be placed at the service of the company and society. They address the areas of energy efficiency, energy production, transmission technologies, dam safety, technological upgrading of the plant, renewable energy, information technology, environment, sustainable electric mobility and social technologies.

International Hydro Informatics Centre (CIH)

Center for Advanced Studies in Dam Safety (Ceasb)

Sustainable Electric Mobility

[201-2, 203-2, 302-1, 302-2, 305-5, 413-1]

Hydrogen Research Nucleus (NUPHI)

Laboratory of Automation and Yesulation of Electrical Systems (Lasse)

Renewable Energy Platform

[201-2, 203-2, 302-1, 302-2, 305-5, 413-1]