UN Global Compact Principles

1. Respect and support internationally recognized human rights in their area of influence

  • Itaipu participates in national and international organizations and / or endorses initiatives to defend human rights.
  • It adopts social clauses in contracting suppliers.
  • It adopts social clauses in contracting suppliers.
  • It created the Hospital Ministro Costa Cavalcanti (HMCC), is the founder of the foundation and participates in its management.
  • Develops the Border Health Program.
  • Develops the Program of Initiation and Incentive to Work (PIIT).
  • Develops the volunteer business program Voluntary Force.
  • Develops the Reviver quality of life program.
  • Develops the Indigenous Communities Sustainability Program.

2. Ensure that the company does not participate in human rights violations

  • It determines that companies contracted to provide services prove the payment of salaries and all charges provided for by law and may terminate the contract in case of noncompliance.
  • It maintains channels of complaint such as the Ombudsman and the Ethics Committee.
  • It stimulates the work of committees that aim to ensure the health and safety of workers.
  • Holds seminars on Human Rights for security professionals working in the company.

3. Supports freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining

  • All employees have union representation and are covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement.

4. Eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labor;

5. Effectively eradicate all forms of child labor in its productive chain

  • It requires the Declaration of Science and Compliance of Social Commitments of its supplier companies.
  • It requires that companies contracted to provide services prove the payment of salaries and other legal charges and may terminate the contract in case of noncompliance.
  • Develops the Child and Adolescent Protection Program (PABP).

6. Stimulating practices that eliminate any kind of discrimination in employment

  • It adopts salary policies and education programs that are independent of gender, culture, ethnicity, sexual, political or religious orientation.
  • It adopts external selective processes for the establishment of staff since 2005 and internal selection process to fill job vacancies.
  • Implemented in 2014 the Committee on People with Disabilities and the Gender Equity Committee with Gender Equity Policy and Guidelines since 2011.
  • Has a Conduct Code.

7. Take a proactive and proactive approach to environmental challenges

  • It has taken on a business commitment to combat global climate change.
  • It develops the Cultivating Good Water Program, with the participation of several partners - participative management.
  • Develops the environmental education program.
  • It stimulates the use of fuels from renewable sources such as ethanol and biogas.
  • It has goals for reducing electricity consumption and fossil fuels.
  • It rehabilites and conserves water resources, ciliary forests, aquatic ecosystems and areas around the reservoir and in the region of the Paraná Hydrographic Basin 3 (BP3).
  • Performs correct waste disposal and uses recycled materials.

8. Develop initiatives and practices to promote and disseminate socio-environmental responsibility

  • It has a Sustainability Policy.
  • It acts as an articulator for the formalization of partnerships with Governments, third sector, public and private companies in actions aimed at the sustainable development of the region of influence.
  • Promotes the sustainable development goals in its area of influence.

9. Encouraging the development and dissemination of environmentally responsible technologies

  • Maintains the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation (FPTI).
  • It promotes the research and development of mobility solutions, especially prototypes of electric vehicles and their components.
  • Through the Renewable Energy Platform, it develops researches with emphasis on Distributed Biogas Generation.

10. Combat corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

  • It has an Ethics Code and maintains complaint channels such as the Ombudsman’s Office and the Ethics Committee.
  • Signatory and member of several anti-corruption initiatives.
  • Permanent, binational working group, which will coordinate integrated risk actions, including those related to fraud and corruption.
  • It has its own regulations, the General Standard for Bidding (NGL), which governs contracting of services and procurement of products, as well as conducting binational electronic trading sessions.
  • Creation of the Binational Integrity and Compliance Program (Compliance), integrating internal control mechanisms to preserve the resources of corruption.
  • Adherence to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOx).
  • It submits procedures and documents to the assurance of the Internal Audit and external companies.
  • Creation of the Compliance Advisory.