Líder mundial na geração de energia limpa e renovável

In a year of record productivity, Itaipu Binacional reaches 50 million MWh
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Between 10 am and 2 pm this Saturday (9), Itaipu Binacional power plant should reach the mark of 50 million MWh generated in 2021. This amount of energy would be enough to supply planet Earth for 19 hours, Brazil for a month and seven days and Paraguay for two years and 11 months. “In a year of historic drought, Itaipu is operating at maximum efficiency”, says the Brazilian General Director of Itaipu Binacional, Gen. João Francisco Ferreira.

Photo: Rubens Fraulini/Itaipu Binacional
Photo: Rubens Fraulini/Itaipu Binacional

According to him, a relevant factor that contributed to the generated volume was the high productivity index of Itaipu Binacional, which is fundamental for the hydroelectric plant to face a year of water shortage.

Itaipu Binacional's annual average productivity index is, so far, at 1.0977 average megawatt per cubic meter per second (avgMW/m³/s), the best annual index ever. In July, the binational plant broke the monthly productivity record, with 1.1221 avgMW /m³/s.

The high rates are possible thanks to the commitment of the binational teams of the Technical Area, ensuring that Itaipu Binacional meets the energy requirements of both countries in the most efficient way possible by running the generating units at their optimal efficiency point, where water consumption is minimal. For this to happen, the machines must be available for generation, which requires coordinated work between the Operation and Maintenance areas of the plant.

Productivity and production: understand the difference

Productivity is an index calculated by the relationship between the amount of energy generated and the turbined flow (the volume of water that passed through the generating units, measured in cubic meters per second). It is different from production, which means the total amount of electricity generated in a given period of time (for example, the 50 million MWh produced since the beginning of the year until now).


The production of 50 million MWh is enough to supply:

- The world for 19 hours;

- Brazil for 1 month and 7 days;

- The city of São Paulo for 1 year and 10 months;

- Paraguay for 2 years and 11 months;

- The State of Paraná for 1 year and 7 months;

- The city of Foz do Iguaçu for 86 years.